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Clandon is a Church of England school but your family does not have to attend church for your children to come to our school.
The Admissions Policies for the current school year, 2024-25, and 2025-26 are available below. These policies contain oversubscription criteria used to allocate places if the school receives more applications than there are places available. In recent years, the school has not been oversubscribed and families who wanted their child to come to Clandon have been offered places.
Clandon School also has a supplementary information form related to each year's Admissions Policy (see below). If you worship at either the church of St Peter and St Paul, West Clandon or St Thomas, East Clandon you should complete this form. Church attendance is one of the oversubscription criteria that will be used to allocate school places if the school receives more applications than there are places for children. Please send your completed supplementary form to Clandon School office when you submit your online school place application.
All applications for entry to reception and children moving from other schools to join Year 3 in September and to all year groups during the school year are made online via Surrey County Council's website. You can access Surrey's website here for further information:
Applying for School Places in Surrey
The online portal for applications for new round Reception and Yr3 places is open from 30th October until 15th January of the year of school entry. Applications made after 15th January will normally be considered late but eAdmissions remains open until August each year and applications for the new round can still be made online. NB: The exact closing date for eAdmissions varies slightly from year to year.
If you are applying for a place in any year group during the school year, this is an in year admission. You can find more information about in year admissions here. In Year Admissions
Please contact Fiona McGowan in the Clandon School office on 01483 222442 or by email to info@clandon.surrey.sch.uk if you require any further information.
A message from Surrey Admissions: "We no longer produce booklets on the primary and secondary admissions process and encourage parents and schools to access this information online here